Basic Conduct

It is the goal of the club to provide a stress-free and enjoyable environment for all members. Members and guests are required to behave in a well-mannered, non-aggressive, and courteous way to other members, guests, and staff.


All members and their guests should dress appropriately while using the club. Shoes and shirts are required at all times. Guests will be charged a guest fee. The same guest may only visit the club up to three times within one month. Guests must enter the club facilities with a Member and be accompanied by the Member while using the club facilities. Each guest must abide by the rules and regulations of the club and the sponsoring Member is responsible for the action of the guest, including unreturned locker keys and towels. The guest must present his/her driver’s license (or a comparable picture ID) and complete the guest register with each visit.

Lost Items

Contact the Manager on Duty regarding lost items. While every attempt is made to safeguard lost items, the club cannot be responsible for lost or stolen articles. Articles collected are tagged and stored until claimed for 30 days. Unclaimed items are donated to a non-profit organization.